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One of my favorite herbs is comfrey.

It has so many wonderful uses! Aside from the benefits of having it in your garden, comfrey has wonderful medicinal uses, as well.

Garden Benefits:
  • Contains nitrogen, silica, calcium, chromium, potassium, magnesium, and iron, making the plant itself a complete fertilizer. A must-have for organic gardeners!
  • Throw it in the compost bin to activate the composting process.
  • Use it as mulch around plants or place in the ground near underground veggies (make sure the plant wilts first or remove roots) for plant nutrition.
  • Is a prolific propagator...takes root very easily. (Does not propagate from seed.)
  • Place leaves in water for a week or more then dilute in a 10:1 ratio to use as a liquid fertilizer ('tea') for plants that like potassium, such as tomatoes and other fruit bearers.
  • Can be harvested several times throughout the growing season.
  • Is not picky about the soil it's planted in and is a hardy perennial.
Medicinal Benefits:
  • Traditionally used to heal bone fractures. Modern science confirms it.
  • Promotes cell renewal and speeds the healing process.
  • Great for severe burns, eczema, and other skin conditions.
  • Used to treat gastric and varicose ulcers.
  • Helps heal sprains.
  • Manages symptoms associated with arthritis.
  • Not recommended for internal use. Can cause liver toxicity when taken in extreme amounts.
  • Safe for children to use externally.
As you can see, comfrey has a variety of useful properties. As a matter of fact, it's why I started our business, Twisted Roots Botanicals. A salve I made from comfrey, calendula, and other goodies, helped a friend heal quickly and fend off a scar from a very bad burn on her face. It's also great for cuts and abrasions.

My next mission is grow some in my garden as an activator for the compost bin and to make comfrey 'tea' for my plants. I'll keep you posted. In the mean time, why not add some comfrey to your growing garden?


Rescue Salve
Twisted Roots Botanicals
Comfrey's toxicity
As an herbal remedy


The More You Make, The More You Spend

Isn't that how the old saying goes?

Well, it seems that has definitely been the case for me and my husband. Like many other Americans, my husband was laid off from his job about 2 1/2 years ago.  Before that happened, he was working a very limited schedule of less than 32 hours a week.  But even before that, he worked very steadily and with LOTS of overtime.  Money was never an issue for us and we spent it on whatever we gadgets, random trips to the store, vacations, new furniture, etc.  We were money zombies and had no clue what the impact would be.  Then when the hubby's overtime went goodbye, the less than adequate weekly salary was killing us.  We were not used to living like this and it was eating us alive.  We were quickly heading into the hole.  We were drowning.

I had always been in charge of the money and bills and I had no clue what to do.  When hubby was laid off shortly after that, it was almost a relief, as his unemployment checks were actually bigger than his weekly pay.  We had to adjust our spending habits, and quick.  For a year and a half, we spent only what we had to.  I picked up cleaning jobs on my days off and hubby did odd jobs when he could.  We were lucky enough to be able to keep some creature comforts like the cable and the internet but it was a struggle at times to do that.  I got creative with our food budget and we didn't eat out.  Gifts were homemade and what we could afford (barely).  Getting new clothes was out of the question and we crossed our fingers that cars or household appliances didn't break down.  I even gave up cigarettes...a 24 year habit!  It was interesting, but we did it and it made me realize the amount of money we could actually live on and the things we could live without.  

Now hubby has been working for just a year now.  We have caught up with what was outstanding and even paid off several bills. Our finances are in good shape.  I would imagine our credit rating is still pretty crappy, but it will get better in time.  That is something I can finally let go.  (Or maybe I should say I'm getting better at letting it go.)  When you put it all in perspective, we are lucky we have been able to hang on to our house.

I have noticed lately that our habits are starting to creep back to pre-lay-off.  I can't say that I don't mind that we can afford certain things that we haven't been able to enjoy but I want to remain conscious about our spending. Mainly because I want different things than I did 3 or 4 years ago.  Then, I lived more for the moment.  I still do but now I want to live more for the future, too.  Not in an obsessive way but in patient, things-will-add-up kind of way.  In a way that can account for a savings. In a way that can account for some equity.  In a way that will allow me to some day live debt free.  That means continuing to set limits and budgets.  Continuing to be conscientious of our spending. Saying no to things we can't afford right now.  Knowing there is money in the savings account and pretending it's not there.  So, in thinking about the future and experiencing the past, I want to work on our dreams.  I want to plan for them and I want to save for them, but most of all I want to live them.


Rhode Island's Best Kept Secret

Do you remember Pink Lady Slippers?


I have always been intrigued by this unique flower and now that I have thoroughly researched it, I am even more intrigued. I can remember them from my childhood. If I wasn't in the pond, I was scouring the woods behind my house. I remember the first time I saw them in the woods. I was probably about 9 or 10 years old. I thought they were so pretty I picked one to bring home to my mom. I walked in the house, all proud of my find and announced to my mom that I had picked it especially for her. That is when I found out that they were illegal to pick or transplant because they were endangered.

Well, I hadn't thought about Lady Slippers in quite some time until a few months ago.  I'm not sure what triggered the thought, either.  Then, about 2 weeks ago, a friend told me that there we tons of them in bloom on her property and my obsession began.  I had to find one. Next thing you know, I'm jaunting in the woods on a mission to find these lovely specimens.

I found some.  They were beautiful.  But my obsession didn't stop there.  I started to research them.  Scouring the internet for whatever information I could find.  I learned a lot about these beauties.  For one thing, it can take upwards of three years for the seeds to germinate. Isn't that crazy?  Even then it can take another three years or more for them to mature enough to produce a flower. Isn't that crazy too? Overall, it can take 3-9 years to produce a flower.

More crazy facts about Lady Slippers:
  • Lady Slippers are wild orchids.
  • They are also known as the Moccasin Flower.
  • Walking through the forest, you will see these showy blooms from April - July.
  • The medicinal qualities of these plants are associated with that of Valerian root, which has a calming effect.  It was used in Europe to combat stress, anxiety, and depression, and used for muscle spasms and headaches.   
  • Native Americans used to the plant in love potions and to induce dreams.
  • Each seed sack contains 10-20 THOUSAND seeds!
  • Lady Slippers don't provide food for themselves as other plants do.  They get their nourishment from a fungus in the soil.  However, once root systems are fully established, they are able to sustain themselves.
  • Propagation of the plant is difficult. Bees and insects are drawn to the flower pouch by an attractive scent. Once the bee/insects enters the flower, they are trapped.  They cannot exit the way they entered and are forced to exit through an interior portion of the pouch.  On their way out (if they make it out), they pass the stigma, collecting the pollen, but only if they are a certain size. I found some great info on this here.
  • They are picky about their growing conditions, wanting moist (but not too moist) and sandy soil, patchy sun, and calm air conditions.
  • All of these factors contribute to the conservation efforts of these incredible plants.
Of everything I have read, it seems that any transplantation of these plants is usually unsuccessful.  Climate and propagation demands make it very difficult.  Probably the most interesting thing I have discovered, is that this plant is NOT extinct.  It's not even rare.  At least in Rhode Island.  (Massachusetts has a law protecting Lady Slippers)  I find that to be so interesting because anyone who knows what a Lady Slipper is, KNOWS that you cannot pick them.  Well, I have shocking news for's all a myth.  Passed along from generation to generation.  However, it is likely because of this myth that the Lady Slipper is not rare and still propagating naturally today. And this year has been proof of that.    

The bottom line is that the Pink Lady Slipper is a fussy little lady.  She enjoys only the perfect conditions.  Scouring for them in the wild will not benefit anyone.  Likely the transplant will not take and overall the plant will suffer in the wild.  The good news is, is that if you are interested in trying your hand at growing these plants in your own yard, that are many labs that hand propagate these specimens. A google search will easily point you in the right direction. Please continue to protect these flowers by letting them be.


Protecting Our Fruit

About 4 years ago we bought a bing cherry tree for our backyard.  I admit, it was an impulse purchase.  I had no clue how to care for a fruit tree.  That being said, I also didn't know that you needed another cherry tree in order for the trees to cross fertilize to even produce fruit at all. When I found this out, I was making a plan to get another tree the following year to plant, although I wasn't sure where we would put it.  (We only have 8,000 sq. ft. of land.)

Our bing cherry tree.

That first year our tree produced no fruit.  The second year I immediately realized our weeping cherry tree had cross fertilized with our bing cheery tree. Yay! The reason I determined this was because our weeping cherry tree started to produce fruit. We had this tree for several years and this was the first time it produced cherries.  We ended up with a couple of dozen cherries from the bing tree that year. I used them for my first attempt at making cherry cordial. (Later, during the winter months, me and my friend got drunk from that experiment.)

The third year we managed to get a good amount of cherries growing. However, my inexperience was evident when I didn't know enough to cover my crop. Although I'm pretty sure the birds thoroughly enjoyed that mistake.

Looking at the tree last week, I realized that there are several dozen cherries growing already.  This year, I was downright determined to harvest my cherries!  During a recent trip to the home improvement store, my husband picked up some protective mesh for the tree.  We decided to cover the tree today.  It was a bit challenging, but not too bad.

Look at all those cherries!

My husband getting the netting over the tree.

You really can't tell it's even on there.

An up-close view of the netting.

The stuff we used.

It's reusable and has a money back guarantee.  Not bad for $8.

This year I plan to enjoy my cherries right off the tree! Do you have fruit trees? How do you deal with critters?


Country Livin' In The City

I like to read blogs. Mostly by authors who have hobby farms or gardening interests. Many who have homesteads. Up until a few years ago, I had an image in my mind that I could have that...when I had more time. I could have that...when I had more room/land. I could have that...when I could get my husband on board. What I came to realize was that if I stopped all the reading, and started some of the doing, then I could (maybe) have that too.

The fact of the matter is, my husband and I both have demanding jobs, we have three children and four grandchildren, and so life is busy.  If I wanted to have this type of lifestyle that I longed for, I would have to start in baby steps and watch things progress slowly.  So that is exactly what I did.

I saved my jumbo coffee containers. Then I purchased a metal garbage can. I drilled the holes in it, dug the hole to sink it, and viola! Ready to compost! Of course all of these steps took months.

Next, I started planting seeds at the greenhouse. I wanted to grow a variety of herbs but was concerned about the space limitations we had. I started to research container gardening. I ended up accidentally coming across an étagère on craigslist (basically an outdoor shelfing unit...I thought I had pictures, but I don't). This was a great solution for us. Seeds became plants and we had herbs coming out of our ears! 

About the same time, I inherited my grandmother's food dehydrator. Totally old school. Totally awesome! I researched a bit and then started harvesting herbs and drying them.  Some I washed and froze. It was experiment and that was okay because I had no experience to go on. None. And it all worked out fine. I had to let go and trust my instincts. Feeling confidant about my dehydrating experiments with herbs, I started to dehydrate all kinds of fruit, too. Yum!  Again, all of these steps took months.

Dehydrating led to taking a stab at veggie gardening. And this is what I am currently working on. I recently planted zucchini and summer squash in a bed that would normally be left for flowers. Why? Because it's in my front yard. I don't think I'm someone that could totally replace my front lawn with veggies, etc. but I'm trying to be creative to create more space for food stuff.  We are also working to put together two raised beds, as well.  All of these steps may take weeks or months. But that's okay.  We are working towards it.  I'm not just reading about it anymore.  I'm doing it.  And if it happens this year, great.  And if it doesn't, then there is always next year.


New Veggie Bed With Driplines

New Veggie Bed

I still like to grow flowers and my husband wouldn't be able to give up his love for a vibrant, green lawn.  And there are definite things we can work on to be more sustainable.  But we are working on these, one thing at a time.  And that's okay with me.



Composting is such an un-sexy topic.  Not that I am into things being super sexy or anything, but it's just so unappealing sounding.  And I happen to be somewhat passionate about compost.

A couple of years back, I was on a mission to compost whatever I could in order for disposables to avoid a trip to the landfill.  And if you're from my home state of Rhode Island, you know the joke that the highest point in the state is the landfill.  So, I had 3 jumbo coffee containers that I would rotate through.  I would leave them under the kitchen cabinet and run them out to the small compost waste pail I had in the yard.  It's possible my step-children thought I was nuts.  (The waste pail was a mini project I found instructions for online.  Total cost was approximately $25.)  I was very faithful about this.  Any time the dinner plates were being scrapped, compostable materials were scrapped into the coffee containers, which eventually made their way outside.  Making coffee?  Old grinds went into the container.  I did this throughout the fall and winter.  I would turn the compost with a garden hoe in order for it to decompose better or faster.  Come springtime the contents of the pail was a rich, dark brown color.  And being it was my first composting experiment, I thought I would use it to fertilize my gardens.  Well apparently the contents hadn't broken down as much as I thought they had and Maggie, our Lhasa Apso, was enjoying the remnants of our table scraps...straight out of the garden!

Coffee can mini compost bins.
Compost pail partially buried.

Almost empty bin.

I didn't want to abandon my efforts, though.  So I started to plan a large 4' X 4' wooden bin that would allow enough room to divide it into two sections.  One section that has 'finished' compost and another that we are currently using. Right now we are in the midst of 'unorganized compost'.  And by that I mean there is a large pile on the side of the yard that is waiting for said compost bin to be completed.  One side is built and the other three are still in process.  One of these days I will have 'organized compost'.  Until then, I am recommitting to composting one coffee container at a time.

One of the completed sides for the future bin.

The 'unorganized compost'.

The site for the new bin.
Do you compost?  Would you consider it if you knew the benefits?


Spring Has Sprung!

I can always tell when Spring is here because there are so many chores that need my attention outdoors.  Winter seems to keep us bound to the house unless you count shoveling!  I certainly don't mind the chores that await since I love to spend my time outdoors.  Today was spent cleaning out, organizing, and sanitizing the greenhouse. Seedlings have been sprouting in there for 3 or 4 weeks now, but the weather has not been very cooperative for this big chore.  Even today, though nice and sunny, was still a bit chilly for spring weather.  Not too chilly to spend in the greenhouse, though.  It was 65° in there...perfect!

Hopefully next weekend will allow for some time to prepare my garden beds for the arrival of seedlings.  Although a bit early to think about planting outdoors, I can still get everything ready!  We are planning to add two raised beds to our property this spring.  I will do a post on that as that project comes together.  For now I will focus on getting all the herbs in the greenhouse going.  This year they will become part of a bigger project of mine...starting my own business.  I will keep you posted as that progresses, as well.  I am so excited to offer my love of herbs, plants, oils, and mother nature with everyone who will look, listen, and give me a try!  Off to count my blessings!

~Love & Light~


In Search Of A Greenhouse

I have big dreams!  I'm always coming up with new hobbies and interests but this is one that I have longed for for quite some time.  My hub and I have been working on commencing a small urban homestead.  At one point we had a small pond and several ducks.  We are currently working on our compost bin, plan to install raised veggie beds this spring, want to install rain barrels, and will attempt to fence our yard so we can have some chickens and ducks again.

So, it only makes sense that our homestead would need a greenhouse.

This is where my passion is at!  I love to plant seeds in dirt and watch them grow.  It's like watching an egg hatch.  There's just something special about it.  A feeling of awe.

We have been on the lookout for a greenhouse that will meet our needs and our budget.  It won't be anything too big or fancy but a structure I can enter and feel the warmth on my face and the dirt in my hands.  It will grow baby plants and rescue not so healthy plants and winter over the extra plants.  If you have a greenhouse or any experience with one, I would love to hear your comments!


Alternative Recycling

Did you know you can recycle your old sneakers?

Overabundance of sneakers? Recycle them! 
I don't ususally read the newspaper.  However, while kicking around at my aunt's today I picked it up to browse.  I came across an article about recycling your old sneakers.  I am all about recycling.  Anything I can do to reduce the ever-growing landfill makes me feel good.

Nike has a program called reUSE A SHOE that reuses every part of the sneaker.  It's separated into three sections: rubber, foam, and fabric.  Each section is ground up and used for athletic surfaces.  The rubber will become running tracks, the foam tennis courts, and the fabric basketball courts .  Nike calls these surfaces The Grind.  I think that's pretty cool.  How come I have never heard of this?  There is a list of drop-off locations, but if you're in my area, the closest location is in Wrentham, MA at the Nike outlet.  


Storm/Snow Moon

I have always been intrigued by the moon cycles.  I can remember when I was a kid, me and my best friend would put our swimsuits on and run down to the pond and swim and splash by moonlight.  It was fabulous.  As I got older, I learned in my science classes how influential the moon is to our planet Earth.  

February's full moon is called Snow Moon or Storm Moon.  It is named this because typically, February was the month in which the most snow fell.

Some attributes of the Snow Moon include:
Rest and renewal
Hopes and dreams

It is a good time to enhance or encourage psychic work, divination, and visionary dreaming.  So tonight, I will be meditating during this Snow Moon, to find some deep inner stuff to pull out and work on.  As scary as that sounds, it's the only way we can grow and love.

My sentiments to the Moon...


Cycles Of The Sun

Have you noticed the sun is setting later?  I did.  The other day.  I realized that it was 5:03pm and it was still light out.  I never notice it as much when it creeps up on me like that.  I guess it's like anything else...we are less likely to notice the difference when the changes are slow and progressive.  It made me feel hopeful and reminded me that we are now through the deadest part of winter.  Our hibernation is almost over.  Spring is on its way.  Soon the copious amounts of snow on the ground will melt away and we will be able to see grass again.  All these thoughts send little shock waves of excitement through me when I start to envision the changes that come with springtime.

What does the change in sunset and sunrise remind you of?  Does it change the way you're feeling?  Are you too busy to notice?


Jack Of All Trades, Master Of None

Welcome to my little space in blog-land!  I'm excited to invite you to my newfound space, although I'm not accustomed to being the center of attention.  In fact, I typically find it nice and easy to blend in.  However, my goals and aspirations for 2011 have me broadening my horizons and I'm working on being 'out there'.  

I have a passion for nature.  I enjoy gardening, hiking, camping, swimming, and many, many other outdoor activities.  My hope is for the focus of this blog to be whatever interests I have going on at the moment.  That can range from knitting to baking to meditation and gardening.  I'm what I'd call 'a jack of all trades, master of none.'  If you share some of these interests, please comment and share your opinions and experiences.  I would love to hear your thoughts! 

So although I am Nuts About Nature, I am nuts about many other things, as well.  What are some of your favorite things?
