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Protecting Our Fruit

About 4 years ago we bought a bing cherry tree for our backyard.  I admit, it was an impulse purchase.  I had no clue how to care for a fruit tree.  That being said, I also didn't know that you needed another cherry tree in order for the trees to cross fertilize to even produce fruit at all. When I found this out, I was making a plan to get another tree the following year to plant, although I wasn't sure where we would put it.  (We only have 8,000 sq. ft. of land.)

Our bing cherry tree.

That first year our tree produced no fruit.  The second year I immediately realized our weeping cherry tree had cross fertilized with our bing cheery tree. Yay! The reason I determined this was because our weeping cherry tree started to produce fruit. We had this tree for several years and this was the first time it produced cherries.  We ended up with a couple of dozen cherries from the bing tree that year. I used them for my first attempt at making cherry cordial. (Later, during the winter months, me and my friend got drunk from that experiment.)

The third year we managed to get a good amount of cherries growing. However, my inexperience was evident when I didn't know enough to cover my crop. Although I'm pretty sure the birds thoroughly enjoyed that mistake.

Looking at the tree last week, I realized that there are several dozen cherries growing already.  This year, I was downright determined to harvest my cherries!  During a recent trip to the home improvement store, my husband picked up some protective mesh for the tree.  We decided to cover the tree today.  It was a bit challenging, but not too bad.

Look at all those cherries!

My husband getting the netting over the tree.

You really can't tell it's even on there.

An up-close view of the netting.

The stuff we used.

It's reusable and has a money back guarantee.  Not bad for $8.

This year I plan to enjoy my cherries right off the tree! Do you have fruit trees? How do you deal with critters?

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