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Spring Has Sprung!

I can always tell when Spring is here because there are so many chores that need my attention outdoors.  Winter seems to keep us bound to the house unless you count shoveling!  I certainly don't mind the chores that await since I love to spend my time outdoors.  Today was spent cleaning out, organizing, and sanitizing the greenhouse. Seedlings have been sprouting in there for 3 or 4 weeks now, but the weather has not been very cooperative for this big chore.  Even today, though nice and sunny, was still a bit chilly for spring weather.  Not too chilly to spend in the greenhouse, though.  It was 65° in there...perfect!

Hopefully next weekend will allow for some time to prepare my garden beds for the arrival of seedlings.  Although a bit early to think about planting outdoors, I can still get everything ready!  We are planning to add two raised beds to our property this spring.  I will do a post on that as that project comes together.  For now I will focus on getting all the herbs in the greenhouse going.  This year they will become part of a bigger project of mine...starting my own business.  I will keep you posted as that progresses, as well.  I am so excited to offer my love of herbs, plants, oils, and mother nature with everyone who will look, listen, and give me a try!  Off to count my blessings!

~Love & Light~